Travel beauty secrets: 10 tips for gorgeous skin on your vacation

Face Yoga & Massage
4 min readNov 8, 2023


Many ladies wonder: “Why should my vacation skincare differ from my regular one?” And that question makes sense.

After all, at home, we have everything we need — plenty of bottles, masks, sponges, and brushes. We have everything at our disposal to care for our skin in the morning, evening, and even at night. So why should we change our skincare routine during a vacation?

First of all, are you sure that you know everything about your skin? Of course, you know how to care for it in a familiar environment and climate and with a normal diet and routine. So it doesn’t take a lot of effort to look great.

But taking all your cosmetic treasures with you doesn’t guarantee your skin will look its best. You may notice excessive oiliness or flaking, your skin may lose elasticity, and the wrinkles may become more visible. And instead of a young, fresh reflection in the mirror, you will see a tired and gray face.

So, is there any chance to avoid it? Certainly!

If you’re planning a vacation and want to take good care of your skin, here are some helpful tips that you can follow.

  1. Be proactive

Think about the details of your trip. Are you going to fly to your destination? Is there an air-conditioner in your room? Is the climate dry? Get ready in advance with gentle peeling and moisturizing masks. Even if you have oily skin, dehydration will affect it badly. That’s why you should take a good moisturizing cream with you.

2. Choose cosmetics wisely

Remember that your skin will have a stressful experience. That’s why you should leave such potentially irritating products as soaps, harsh scrubs, and acid peels at home.

3. Do not overdo it with makeup

On vacation, it’s better not to use a lot of decorative cosmetics. You have a rest and give your skin a rest, too. Remember that powder and many foundations contribute to dry skin. So, give preference to light textures.

4. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

It’s impossible to “over-moisturize” skin. Use a moisturizing cream at least twice a day and during the day, refresh your face with thermal water or toner.

5. Protection is the key

Make sure to take sunscreen with you. And it’s better to take even two — one with a higher SPF for the first days of the vacation and one with a lower one to use after. Even if you don’t plan to stay on a beach all day, your skin needs protection anyway.

6. Hands off!

By all means, try to avoid touching your face. The microflora in your home is very different from the bacteria that are waiting for you on doorknobs, tables, and other surfaces in airplanes, hotels, and other public places. By touching your face, you are transferring a lot of germs to your skin, where they can cause visible problems. If you need to touch your face, use a clean napkin.

7. Drink enough water

Give up sugary and carbonated drinks in favor of clean still water. Consider coffee, tea, smoothies, and juices as desserts. Good skin hydration is impossible if the body lacks fluids.

8. Remember about the “first-night-rule”

On the first evening after arriving at your vacation destination, pay special attention to your skincare. Start with a good cleansing, then use a gentle toner and, while the skin is still wet, apply moisturizing cream.

9. Apply ice

Many travelers are no strangers to dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. If this is familiar to you, ask your flight attendant for a small amount of ice and a towel. Wrap the cloth-covered ice pack under your eyes for a few minutes. Repeat this technique on your first night at the hotel to wake up refreshed. Don’t forget to moisturize your eyelid skin after this treatment.

10. Be particular about your food

Dehydration is the most common skin concern when traveling. When choosing food, keep this in mind. Favor fruits and fresh vegetables such as watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit, melon, and citrus, as well as celery, tomatoes, lettuce, and zucchini. Too spicy, salty, sweet, and exotic foods, on the other hand, can cause thirst and trigger swelling. So think carefully about what to put on your plate.

By following these tips during your vacation, you will return from your trip rested and rejuvenated, and your skin will look gorgeous!

On top of that, face yoga can become a worthy addition to your beauty routine. We suggest using our user-friendly app with instructional videos for proven exercises suitable for beginners. Tap here to get the app.



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